AI Isn’t Funny

Dedicated to Norm,

for all the public and private reasons

that comedy keeps us free and ​human and honest and alive.

And is our last best chance

to save our country, colleges,

and post-AI humanity

in time.

Because the cavalry isn’t coming.

We are in the cavalry.

They ain’t coming.


The Quick 2 Minute Pitch


FREE Speech


is destroying our

colleges, civic structures,

and comedy.

AI is a




by biased lunatics

on both sides.

privacy is

ending for:











and ​disinformation ​and echo chambers ​are so bad

I get asked about

civil war

in job interviews.

My teams spent 20 years building a non-partisan

blueprint to fix all of it. Fast. At once. For everyone.

I became a “diversity hire” at a Bible college to prove it works. We even got SJWs, MAGAs, Christians, Muslims, Jewish folks, the ADL, ACLU, and a Netflix doc to work together.

Now we have companies, universities, and politicians wanting to see it.

And top AI experts helping us

turn it into a citizen-powered


But here’s the punchline:

We originally made this thing with/for comedians.

Out of, like, old Norm MacDonald and Daily Show jokes.

That’s not a weird branding problem.

It’s an Oppenheimer-sized opportunity to

(1) use comedy to set legal guardrails on AI and

(2) mobilize / network / educate comedy fans and funny people to

fix this mess in time.

AI Ethics Oppenheimers exist.

We’re one of them.

Our team members are Top 5/Top 100 women in AI; already working with the Pentagon; applying to the White House; interviewing for national civil rights jobs; running Congressional campaigns; talking to major tech companies, politicians, and schools; and showing up

in the NYT over the college free speech mess.

But none of that will work in time.

Hand to God this comedy versus AI angle is our best chance.



AI Ethics

Free Speech



Fixing Our Colleges

Protecting Comedians

AI Ethics

Free Speech



Fixing Our Colleges

Protecting Comedians

So we’re throwing this Hail Mary

-- and the keys if you want them --

to comedians.

We have a wide-open lane,

and a proven political, legal, and ​educational gameplan.

Our “Batmobile” -- a.k.a.

AI ethics governance, education, and advocacy platform -- is the best there is.

And even if humanity loses,

we would rather go down swinging

with Norm bits and an army of angry misfits.

No one else has proven, simple, ​bipartisan solutions

for this whole mess.

Or a “brand”

to sell them to a divided America.

Or a way to explain

it to regular people.

Or is looking out for comedians.

Which is scary AF.

And why we’ve gone broke

trying to protect it.

Donation link is here:

We are very transparent about how we spend money.

Right now every dollar helps and is appreciated beyond words.

And we are enormous fans of many of you.

But this situation is too serious for sentimentality.

Lives, livelihoods, our democracy, and sanity are at stake.

And this comedy versus robots schtick will 100% work.

Chapter One:

Yup, We’re Real and This Thing Works

This system built out of ​comedian routines is the thing ​all the AI regulators are looking ​for, the tech bros can live with, ​and we can use comedy to ​teach it to anyone.


AI Isn’t Funny

AI explaining how we use comedy/Norm

to regulate AI. (3 minutes.) We also, btw, can train

the AI to fight against AI.

And since we built this for comedians,

we’re the only solution designed to protect your rights.

Because no one is looking out for

you all re: AI. It’s ridiculous.

Deep fakes are the tip of the iceberg. Some of you are already being AI censored.

(Hire better lobbyists. You/all smart funny people are about to lose

our human, civil, and IP rights.)

Chapter Two:

Easy Ways Comedians Can Join The Fight/Support Us

The AI ethics cavalry

is not coming. And the feds are

still auditioning solutions. But to ​win, we only need a college, a ​government agency, and a couple ​of companies. Since we built this ​for comedians, that‘s easy.


AI Isn’t Funny

#1 We Need Press To Mobilize Comedy Fans.

Podcasts (That Regular People Listen To) Help.

We’re from Nebraska and ain’t snobs:

I could explain algorithms to Larry the Cable guy fans on bad morning radio in fifteen minutes -- or go down

the rabbit hole of encoded postmodernism if yer into it.

None of this AI Ethics stuff is actually hard. The nerds who run it just want to make it confusing to get paid.

Our stories -- Minneapolis, woke school, Bible school, exorcisms,

a Norm inspired student protest, shootings, bombs, militias, etc.

-- are bananas.

#2: We Can Make Anyone an AI Ethics Expert. Comedians/Writers Are No Different.

We get it: AI ethics, free speech, disinformation, and cancel culture are a complicated mess.

You don’t want to screw up your brand or put your foot in your mouth.

We have a simple meta-method to get your writers, researchers, and production team

on the same page -- re: tech, democracy,

and the 1st Amendment -- fast.

This is our day job:

You won’t find anyone ​else who can explain the ​complexities of AI to ​your team using ​comedians as examples.

#3 Our Story Might Be Our Fastest Way to Scale. But

There Is No Way For Us To Find The Right Agent in Time.

some kid’s midtern

We are sitting on a memoir, interactive textbook, networking platform, and podcast (that can teach tech ethics in real time and strategically curate community content/feedback).

And we filmed/recorded/cataloged nearly everything for a documentary.

(And have been -- and can -- teach everything w/comedy.)

We have interested agents/companies/investors.

But they can’t handle a multi-platform project. And we don’t have bandwidth to negotiate one quicky enough.

The education, advocacy, and legal stuff is our wheelhouse.

The other stuff isn’t.

And our quickest asset to sell -- which is why we dodged the NDAs -- is our actual backstory,

which will get media attention.

Chapter Three:

Bigger Ways Comedians Can Help Win This Thing Fast

What f.u. money was made for


Our “Batmobile” (a.k.a. AI Governance, Education, and ​Advocacy platform) is the gold standard to fix things fast.

We pitch it to people that you do ​not bullshit as a way to win

the 21st century.

At scale, it can ​network/train/mobilize

comedy fans/shows, colleges, ​companies, advocates, attorneys, ​and/or governments.

And it doubles as a civilian

information defense system.

#4 Do You Want to Drive This Batmoblie? Or Have Us ​Make One for You to Network Your Fans?

At scale, it can be used by anyone,

network thousands of collaborators,

connect schools/comedy shows,

strategically curate community content,

and teach these simple methods

to millions (very fast)

to get everyone back

on the same page.


#5 We Are Already Talking to Investors for Our School, Citizen, and Government Training Platforms.

The Feds just told every school, agency, and company in America that they have to “do” AI ethics.

And we have a bi-partsian (and multi-faith) method (that is also compatible with everyone else’s methods).

Which, at scale, is a license to

print money/fix things very fast.

(Since we can’t personally get rich doing this via a

non-profit, we’d rather work with people we like versus random tech bros.

If you have any interest, email and we can send a pitch deck and ROI details.)

#6 The Norm MacDonald Institute for Comedy and

Digital Humanity at the University of [Insert Name]?

Letterman and Carson already

have media programs.

Is it Norm -- or someone else’s -- turn?

The fastest way to solve the AI/free speech ​mess is to network a college and a state ​government correctly.

Other Oppenheimers are trying

but don’t know how.

Right now our colleges

just want to survive. And anything that ​makes them $$$$ as a top school in AI ​ethics is an easy sell.

If anyone is interested in any higher ed partnerships ​now is the time. The world needs them.

And funny/smart students need them.

And since comedy is at the heart of the AI mess.

(and the easiest way to teach it to everyone)

we already designed our system to turn education/advocacy into 80s Letterman.

Remember: These are Jesus kids,

not Mr. Show. (Just proof of concept.)

Advocacy stuff is all over the website.

(And we are no longer with the Bible college).

We can’t post IP publically, but if you want to see how this works -- to mobilize comedy fans, to augment comedy shows,

or to fix the colleges -- just email us:

#7 The Goal Here Is Survival, Not Ego.

We Are Open To Any Ideas, Including Handing This Off.

Our teams are highly skilled

(and can also run the Institute for Digital Humanity on their own).

I’m a free agent with my IP “leased” to the kids for peanuts.

If you are seeing something here that would work better/faster ​under your guidance -- or that you want without all the other ​branding baggage -- holler at me/us: or

Grey Line Wave

AI Isn’t Funny

The Institute for Digital Humanity is a bipartisan

and multi-faith free speech and digital ethics

think-tank located in Minneapolis.

In less than 5 years, the IDH has become a recognized thought leader among tech startups, educators, advocacy groups, and governments

by building unprecedented educational and civic

coalitions across the digital divide.

Our unique approach to free speech and digital

ethics focuses on partnerships with diverse ideologies and empowering students.

Contact Info:

Social Media:

Y’all are saints for reading this. As a human,

it’s hard to express the depth of my appreciation.

So here’s AI making that all sound inhuman and stupid.

Because AI is inhuman and stupid.